Course curriculum

    1. Before We Get Started...

    2. Course Material Disclosure

    3. From Reader to Thinker to Builder to Leader

    4. What is Empowerment?

    5. Using the MK Lifestyle Rewards Program

    6. MK Lifestyle Rewards Program Coin Values

    7. Meet Your Instructors

    8. Course Preview

    9. Using Your Digital Companion Workbook

    10. Set Your Intention

    1. Story | Parable of the Bad Letters

    2. Intro to Module 1

    3. Opening Attunement

    4. Let's Come to Terms

    5. Exercise 1A | What is Literacy?

    6. Exercise 1A Questions

    7. Video 1A Quiz

    8. Video 1B Quiz

    9. Video 1C Quiz

    10. Exercise 1B | Four Puzzle Pieces in the Science of Reading

    11. Exercise 1B Questions

    12. Video 1D Quiz

    13. Exercise 1C | The Illiteracy-to-Prison Pipeline

    14. Exercise 1D | Literacy is the Answer

    15. PPP Drill 1

    16. S.C.I.E.N.C.E

    17. PART 1 | 1400 AD to Present Day | TimeTrees of Scientific Progress

    18. PART 2 | 1400 AD to Present Day | TimeTrees of Scientific Progress

    19. Hard Science vs Soft Science

    20. 8 Nodes of Soft Science

    21. 8 Nodes of Hard Science

    22. It Follows a Three-Step Process

    23. PPP Drill 2

    24. Outro to Module 1 and Closing Attunement

    25. Upload Module 1 Workbook Answers for Coin Credits

    1. Intro to Module 2 and Opening Attunement

    2. Intro to Module 2 (audio transcript)

    3. Vowels and Consonants

    4. Music As Language

    5. Music as Language (audio transcript)

    6. Intro to Exercise 2A

    7. Exercise 2A | Everyday Listening

    8. Does Every Story Have a Plot of Potentials?

    9. PPP Drill 3

    10. Exercise 2B | Dance as Language

    11. Outro to Module 2 and Closing Attunement

    12. Upload Module 2 Workbook Answers for Coin Credits

    1. Intro to Module 3 and Opening Attunement

    2. The Human Brain is a 360° Intelligence Network

    3. Videos 3A to 3B | Noosphere and The Emotional Brain

    4. Six Phases of Bad Behavior

    5. Six Phases of Good Behavior

    6. Videos 3C to 3E | Standard Model vs Plasma Model

    7. Weak Phiton Patterns of Low Literacy

    8. Strong Phiton Patterns of High Literacy

    9. Quantinomio Citiobarico | All Behaviors Begin with B

    10. Outro and Closing Attunement

    11. Upload Module 3 Workbook Answers for Coin Credits

    1. Intro to Module 4 and Opening Attunement

    2. Motivic Variants and Boring Quarks

    3. The Variation Project A

    4. Improve Your Leaderboard Rank! Upload Project A Experiment Log and Boring Quark Samples

    5. The Variation Project AB

    6. Upload Project AB Experiment Log and Boring Quark Samples

    7. The Variation Project B

    8. Upload Project B Experiment Log and Boring Quark Samples

    9. The Variation Project ABA

    10. Upload Project ABA Experiment Log and Boring Quark Samples

    11. The Variation Project C

    12. Upload Project C Experiment Log and Boring Quark Samples

    13. The Variation Project Z

    14. Upload Project Z Experiment Log and Boring Quark Samples

    15. Virtual 24-Hour Readathon

    16. Self-Reflection Survey

    17. Exit Survey

    1. 2023 Science of Reading Report

About this course

  • $19.00 / 28 days
  • 76 lessons

Low Literacy, High Literacy, 13 Types

Start with Type 0

Go from a disempowered novice to a self-empowered authority, using advanced knowledge and a lost science for mastering every emotional dynamic you may encounter in your everyday life.

You will have access to guided material, video lessons, fun drills and a community to share and connect with other parents.

This is your chance to reset and accomplish your goals!

Detect the undetectable. Inspect the unimagined. 

Experiment with the power of quarks and the physics of High Literacy.

Bad behavior is an effect of low literacy. Strengthen your mind. Teach yourself and guide your child. Use your ability to read, write and think.