Free Electives Lab

Before Money, After Crypto

Enroll in a variety of free courses. From financial fundamentals and everyday communication to blockchain technology and transcendent art. Immerse yourself in these multidimensional courses. Discover your boundless potential. Be an extraordinary human.

Business Lab

Web 2.0 Business, Web 3.0 Business, Holistic Marketing and the Triple Bottom-Line

This lab delivers new tools for digital technologies and strategies for business owners, managers and employees to strengthen organizational bonds, boost group dynamism, refine whole-systems thinking skills, nurture financial intelligence and gain insights into the power of symbiotic relationships.

Education Lab

From Child Reader to School Student to Community Leader

This lab delivers universal tools and scientific methods to equip parents, with children of all ages, to boost group literacy, refine thinking skills, nurture character development, and gain insights into the power of reading.

Family Lab

Strengthening Bonds through the Base of Love

In these courses, nurture trust in your family through open communication, active listening and authentic conversations between parents and children, brothers and sisters, uncles and nephews, aunts and nieces, first cousins, second cousins and all other people you consider "family".

Health Lab

Neurophysics, Biophotons, Electro-Etheric Voltages

Understand how biochemistry, electro-etheric energy and quantum physics are connected. Know the links between Western and Eastern medicine. Rediscover methods of self-healing and harmonic relationships with your fourth-dimensional body.

Ecology Lab

We and the Planet are One

Reconnect with nature. Through these courses, refine your intuitive intelligence and natural instincts. Remember your ability to be a biosolar, interspecies communicator.

Synchronicity Lab

Activate and Operate the Master Matrix of the 441-Holomind Perceiver

This lab concurrently functions with the math lab. Both labs, simultaneously, transmit strategies for working with numbers and synchronicities. Through these courses, know how, why, when and where to speak the language of multifractal mathematics.

Math Lab

Teach Your Business to Count by 20's

From decimal to vigesimal, arabic numerals to galactic dot-bar notation, comprehend the whole-number language of algebra and geometry to unlock new methods for evolving energy. Implement time dynamics with primes and factors. Know the interval between the numbers 1 and 20. Go beyond decimal math.