About the community

Increase Your Financial Literacy Through Kinship 

This virtual community motivates individuals of all backgrounds to energize money and become "Smart Money-Movers". 

Financial health begins with feelings of trust and security

Be empowered with a new kind of money, programmed by sacred economics, overtoned by TPACO tokenomics and synchronized through learning how to live outside the standard 9-5, on-call 24/7, Monday-Friday, typical work week calendar and into a more harmonic way of living. Motivate yourself to achieve financial independence WITH a Money Tribe. Each tribe of Money-Mover$ is led by accountants, investors, entrepreneurs, and everyday people as equals, planetary kin. You will have access to online courses and other resources to share knowledge and exchange gifts to fortify your family's financial future, creating multigenerational wealth.

Connect YOUR Gifts with YOUR Tribe.

Every tribe is energized by five kin and thirteen tones. Each kin contains a specific power and musical frequency. 

The five powers are celestial gifts. The thirteen musical frequencies are RANG reverberations: Tone1 (Magnetic), Tone2 (Lunar), Tone3 (Electric), Tone4 (Self-Existing), Tone5 (Overtone), Tone6 (Rhythmic), Tone7 (Resonant), Tone8 (Galactic), Tone9 (Solar), Tone10 (Planetary), Tone11 (Spectral), Tone12 (Crystal), Tone13 (Cosmic).

Big Bang is to Big RANG as the Economics of Separation is to the Tokenomics of Reunion. 

Which Tribe Do You Belong To? 

  1. The Fire Money Tribe:Focuses on the sources of flow, inputs of money, where money begins, and when inputs need to be reallocated to different streams.
  2. The Flow Money Tribe: Focuses on the storage of flow, vaults, boxes and wallets of money, where money stops, and accumulates, when flow is stuck and needs to find a new stream. This includes investment strategies, market analysis, and multigenerational wealth creation.
  3. The Truth Money TribeFocuses on the output of flow, the symbols, beliefs and attitudes towards money, overcoming limiting beliefs, fostering abundance, gratitude, simplicity and principles of The Gift.
  4. The Sky Money Tribe:Focuses on the matrix of flow, sharing resources for group money management, building healthy financial habits, and living a balanced yet superabundant life.

Additional Rooms to Extend Conversations 

  1. The Prosperity Cafe: A virtual room that offers a space for all five tribes to share and celebrate financial wins using a new kind of money.
  2. Space Weather Vibes: A virtual room to discuss space news, celestial events on the sun (solar flares, geomagnetic storms), as it affects other stars in our galaxy, other planets, this planet and other environmental, geological activities on Earth. These vibes have measurable effects on human biology and psychology which ripples into vibrations influencing financial markets.  
  3. Leaderboards: Earn philanthropic badges to increase your rank in the community.  Improve your reputation by accomplishing different tasks and group quests. Play to earn virtual coins. Be the Top Spender of the Moon. Give your coins to others. What is given is returned. Live in The Gift and be a conscious money mover. 

"This is the kind of investment aligned with a future economy in which status comes from giving, not having, and security comes not from accumulation, but from being a nexus of flow....It is an entirely different mentality from the traditional paradigm of investment, which we equate with the increase of wealth." 

-Sacred Economics, Money, Gift & Society in the Age of Transition by Charles Eisenstein

Which kin are YOU? 

Enroll as a Conscious Co-Creator to find out and unlock your gifts.

Smart Money-Mover$

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How does money move with YOUR Tribe?

This is an exclusive course for the Fire Tribe. Pre-order today and receive a 50% off discount.

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